The SWOT is a situation analysis tool to optimize decision-making.Recognized in the business world, it is also essential in daily life.His method is extremely versatile and can be applied in all kinds of situations:to guide his professional career, choose his holidays, buy a property, make a presentation, etc ...The SOFTWARE is easy to use and intuitive, well explained.ANALYSIS: To know what to do in a given situation or to achieve a goal,we will successively fill the 4 boxes of a table, by analyzing as completely and objectively as possible:1) Elements which depend on oneself, on which one can act:- STRENGTHS: competence, experience, aptitudes, product quality, innovation, etc ...- WEAKNESSES: knowledge to be updated, shyness, high price of the product, ...2) Elements which depend on the environment, on which we cannot act directly:- OPPORTUNITIES: rising market, disappearance of a competitor ...- THREATS: bloated market, more restrictive regulations ...The work of reflexion, to fill the four tables, by synthesizing as much as possible, allows you to get a clear view of the most complex situations, and make the best decision.